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Content Marketing 101: Get the Balance Right - So You Get More Sales and Higher Conversion

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Content Marketing can be super effective, so long as you do the right things, correctly. This post is all about one of the absolute basics: Getting the balance right.

>> Visit AMZing Marketing if you need professional help with launching a Content Marketing Strategy to increase sales 

Content Marketing & balance

It’s extremely important to focus on the needs of your marketplace, rather than your own needs. People can tell instantly when a service provider has this balance wrong. A very common example we see daily, is when we arrive on sites and get hit by sales messages, banners and pop-ups – All demanding we do something for them. That’s the completely wrong balance for successful Content Marketing.

The foundation of great Content Marketing, is to deliver useful information, which a targeted group of people will find valuable enough to subscribe to and share. By continuing to earn their attention, you position yourself as an authority on your subject and make it easy for them to contact you, when they have a requirement for someone with your expertise.

Tilting the balance

If you are a service provider seeking to attract client inquiries online, your balance should be heavily tilted toward contribution. Remember, if your content is useful enough, people will subscribe to it, share it and return. Just make it easy for them to subscribe and share.

You don’t need to push sales messages at people about how awesome you are, just make it easy for them to contact you. A dedicated contact page with an address, phone number and email address is all you need. If you must use a contact form, remember that for every additional required field, you will lose X% of inquiries. If you’re OK about that, a form is fine.

23 Response to Content Marketing 101: Get the balance right

  1.  Mark Simones says:

    Great points here. I hate it when you come across those websites that are just selling to you from the moment you hit the landing page. It just reminds me of those pushy sales assistants in stores, or those people that try and stop you in the middle of the street. It doesn’t work in the outside world and it definitely doesn’t work on-line.

    15 Responses to Bloggers: How to write useful posts every day

    1.  Yael Rozencwajg says:

      Hi Jim,
      Thank you for this blog updating my thoughts.
      As a (super) regular reader of your blog posts I must admit that a full time blogger as you Jim has more chances to find his personal way to stay focused on his content. It can be as you notice about moment or due to action time.
      And I definitely think that all is about organisation of your lifetime.
      So I believe that for an entrepreneur that way is be a little more difficult. First because beginners are probably not as well organized as regular bloggers. And second, not everyone has writing capabilities.
      I think the secret of creating good content is really niched in what do you expect from yourself, and what do you want from others to give you back.

    2.  AMZing Marketing says:

      Hi Yael,

      You know I’m not a full time blogger, right? I run a very busy international marketing business. I only blog for several hours a week, that’s it!

      This was the whole point of the post. Full time bloggers are very, very rare. Most of us fit blogging around the demands of our business and our families too.

    3.  Mark says:

      Here are 3 short and simple tips to blog more effectively:

      Be Useful
      Stay On Topic
      Make Your Point


      Haha, I was just practicing writing a short blog post Jim… I think this is useful and its less than 20 words!

      Point received — thanks for the tips :)

    4.  Lori Gosselin says:

      You’re hilarious!”they are blog posts” A message I badly need! I’m working on two writing projects these days; a blog and a manuscript. My goal is to be able to write awesome blogs FAST. Right now…. not so fast.
      I also appreciate the tips Mark gave:
      Be Useful
      Stay On Topic
      Make Your Point
      You guys are great!

    5.  David Spinks says:

      I’m definitely not a perfectionist, but I can’t help but make sure a blog post is just right before I click publish.

      I view every piece of content as something the represents me.

      My worse fear is that I’ll just be contributing to the noise instead of providing useful content.

      How do you get over these issues without spending too much time?

      •  AMZing marketing says:

        Hi my friend. It’s ALWAYS a wise move to pause before you press the publish button. Here’s how I see the issue of adding something of value, rather than more noise.

        When we decide to start blogging, we can only do whatever is our best. If we believe that we have something that others will find valuable, that’s worth publishing. If we feel we are throwing words together just to “show up”, that helps no one.

        As you very rightly said, your work represents you. Make sure it’s worthy of you by trying to add something genuinely useful. Even if it’s an idea that has been discussed before, maybe you can put it in a way that more people will be able to understand? Show us your subject, according to the way David Spinks (or whoever) sees it. Let me see it through your eyes, so I can better understand the other guy’s perspective.

    6.  Tom Chapman says:

      You are so right when calling perfectionism “the dream killer”. I had a former colleague who was a bit of a perfectionist, and he had an uncanny talent of taking any idea you presented to him and knocking all the energy out of it!

      I am fortunate that in my current position spontaneity is encouraged and the results are always worthwhile. Even if I write a new blog post and acknowledge it’s not the best piece of writing in the world, it still fits into the bigger picture of the blog as a relevant element.

    7.  chris says:

      I’m taking over blogging for our company soon and my boss sent this wonderful wonderful link to me! I want to sleep with it under my pillow and inhale its essence at breakfast! It’s SO simple when you break it down. I am writing “They Are Blog Posts” onto a strip of paper and taping it to the bottom of my screen.

      THANK YOU!
      Chris, a new subscriber.

    8.  Tommy Johnson says:

      you are one of my favorite bloggers because of the lack of fluff. Good points on how to get those words flowing.

January 24, 2021 - Reading time: 29 minutes